Katy Perry‘s new album, Teenage Dream, doesn’t come out for a month, but today she released the cover image—a Will Cotton painting of her lying naked in a cotton candy cloud. With this image, Katy joins a cadre of bands and musicians who’ve created nakey cover art. Here, nine of our faves.

Prince’s hand always looked disproportionately big to me on his cover for Lovesexy.
Janet Jackson took it all off for the cover of her 2004 album, Damita Jo. Too bad the furor over Nipplegate hadn’t quieted down when it came out.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers decided to recreate the Beatles famous Abbey Road cover. Only, just wearing socks you know where.
Liz Phair covered her bits with a guitar on the cover of her self-titled album.
Annabella Lwin of Bow Wow Wow was naked on, well, most of their album covers. But there’s a funny story for the first one, top left, which was the idea of iconic manager Malcolm McLaren. Only, Annabella was only 14 when the image was taken. When her mom found out about it, she reported McLaren to the police and the negatives were confiscated. [Guardian]
Nirvana’s classic Nevermind featured naked baby Spencer Elden grabbing at a dollar bill in a pool.
It’s hard to count the number of boobs on the cover of Electric Ladyland from Jimi Hendrix.

This Marilyn Manson cover still gives me the creeps. And yet, I can’t stop looking.
Jon Lennon and Yoko Ono loved being naked. So of course, they went clothes-less on the cover of Two Virgins.